Frequently asked questions
How do orders work?
Place your order online. Find the most convenient drop-off location to you. Be sure that you can make it to the date and time listed. Mark your calendar so that your remember. You will meet our driver at our delivery truck in the parking lot of the drop-off location for your order, straight from the farm to you.
Can I suggest a drop-off location?
Of course. Send us a note.
How should I handle your products?
Handle our products the same as you would handle raw meat of your own. Wash and any surfaces the raw food has touched thoroughly and clean bowls after feeding.
Do you High Pressure Process (HPP) your food?
Absolutely not. The main reason to feed a raw diet is due to the fresh, live nutrients it contains. HPP foods, while still better than kibble or canned foods, are biologically dead food. This is unnatural to our carnivore companions. Farmcraft comes to you straight from the farm in the form that nature intended.
Why does your label say your food is not AAFCO approved?
AAFCO requires that every meal contain every nutrient your pet needs, without recognizing balancing diets through variety over time. This requires additives and synthetics to be included in the food. This is not natural. Just like we don’t eat this way, no animals in nature eat in this fashion either. We believe the same principle applies to our dogs, cats, and ferrets with a variety of proteins fed over time to achieve nutrient balance as nature intended.
Can you provide laboratory analysis of your food?
Yes. This is included on our labeling which you can find on each product page.
How do you ensure product integrity?
We process our products in a facility for human food consumption. We operate under a USDA HACCP plan which ensures product integrity and proper storage, safe handling temperatures, microbial control, and more. There is also no cross-contamination of proteins through these production methods.
What organs and bones do you use?
Our products contain only the protein listed on the label. We do not substitute things in from other animals. It is scary to think some pet food companies do this. We understand the importance of this, especially if you are trying to avoid certain proteins. You can rest assured that what is on the label is what is in the container.
Do you accept refunds?
Due to the perishable nature of our product we are unable to accept refunds.
What happens if my pet will not eat something I purchased?
Sometimes pets are uncertain about a new food, especially if they are addicted to processed “junk” food. If your pet doesn’t readily eat, pick their bowl up after 5min, put it in the fridge and try again later. You can also re-freeze that particular protein and try it again later after your pet is more accustomed to raw food, or mix a small portion of the protein they are not eating with another that they like, slowly increasing the one they weren’t readily eating.
What do your farm animals eat?
Boar: grain and free range in forest
Beef: grass, hay, oats
Ram and Goat: grass, hay, alfalfa, some oats
Rabbits: alfalfa and rabbit pellets comprised of mostly timothy grass hay
Chicken, Duck, Turkey: grass, vegetation, grain
We grow all the food above that our animals eat.